Wednesday, March 28, 2012

The Outcome Not What I wanted...):

Have you ever been wanting to cook a meal and before you start you get so excited because you are just so ready to eat this meal....well that kinda happened to me last I had been seeing Chicken Parm everywhere and decided ok I'm gonna do it. Well as i started I looked at few different ways of doing and got a idea how i wanted to put my twist on it. And as always at the last minute i changed my mind on one thing and decided to do it another way...well I should have just stayed with my original thought. OK well let me get back to cooking.....I get everything prepped and set up to start going. As I'm going everything is looking good and I'm still looking forward to eating this. As I'm going I'm the pics to upload and then I realized there was one shoot I wanted but I didn't get so I start to get frustrated but remind myself it was just one pic no big deal. Well everything gets done I start plating it and it looks sooo good....then I start to dig in.....well it's good but so not what I hoping for): Right then and there is when I realized I should have done what I first thought of!!! That one little thing had changed the whole outcome...which in the food world is life or death! So as I finished eating because it wasn't horrible, and then clean up I came to realize that i have to stop second guessing myself...which for me is easier said then done! So I will try this one again with my original plan and will post because I know that will be a hit! lol So I hope this will help y'all not to second guess your self either when your in kitchen!!

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