Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Yummy Garlic Pork Chops

My hubby is not a fan of pork unless it is BBQ,
so to get him to eat it any other way is a challenge.
So I came up with this and I could't believe it but he love it!
Trust me he could so be a food critic, so I was very pleased with
this one!!!

~4 thin no bone chops
~Garlic Powder
~Italian Bread Crumbs
~veg Oil

Season with salt and pepper and garlic powder

Then coat with the bread crumbs

Heat oil and a few tbsp of butter in skillet
cook 3-5 mins on med heat to get a nice brown color and crispy coating
Dry on paper towel and ENJOY!

YUM is all there is to say!

Hint: The butter is what gives it the brown color so you can omit it!

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